Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spaces & Energies combined

An Art gallery Opening combines Intimate Energy & Social Energy.

Churchill’s War Room shows a combination of Proper Energy & Intimate Energy, intensity & creativity.

A biker’s gathering shows a combination of Straightforward energy & Social energy.

Dirty Harry is both Proper in the Community but Straightforward in the Outdoors (and Intimate in the Domestic Space). As a tough cop is naturally in reference to what is proper in the community, yet is a straight-shooting no-nonsense straightforward in the Outdoors. The expression in each space is different and they come together to form a personality in space.

Spatial Energies rarely exist in isolation. There is a different “Buzz” to events depending on the combination of energies involved.

Personality Theory

Trump demonstrates Social Energy in the Community (the World of High Finance).
Painfully straightforward Talk in his Domestic / Personal space.
Proper Energy shown within his Essence, able to keep plans on a proper track.
This is the typical pattern of an ENTJ, within the MBTI personality model.

The Model proposes that all individuals have the same complement of Energies. However, we are all predisposed to show our Energies in different Spaces.

One person might naturally show Social Energy in the Community another might show their Social side in the Domestic Space but are prim and proper in the way they present themselves in the outdoor space.

Dynamics & patterns occur as a result. A vulnerabilities & strengths in one space will be different in another Space. School kids might be bullies in the outdoors space but be vulnerable before the Community Space of parents & teachers.

Awareness of Space & Energy leads to a wider range of choices and opens up a world of new possibilities.

Space Change

Making "Community Space" and "Social Energy”

From "One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest", In the Asylum everything must proceed with "Proper Energy" but Murphy changes the space, imagines the World Series on in front of the blank TV & gets the boys celebrating. His Social Energy “caps” the Nurses Proper Energy & sends her wild.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The order of spatial energy

The Spatial Energies are ordered, one to the next.
Intimate -> Straightforward -> Proper -> Social -> Intimate (and so on)

All energies are inherently “equal” though straightforward is “higher” than intimate and so on. Dynamics result such as: Support Nurture Capping Undercutting


The Pen is mightier than the sword, the intimate energy of written expression can “undercut” more brutal straightforward energy, symbolised by the sword.
An undercut often involves suggestion or artistic interpretations, to appeal to a wider and more sensitive, informed or realistic audience.
Intimate energy can pull the rug out from underneath straightforward energy, either as human error, or deliberate control, The essence is the bedrock upon which straightforward is developed, the straightforward energy of planes and trains wouldn’t exist in the first place without the intense creativity of the essence.

Grounding & Nurturing

Intimate Personal energy can Support or Grounds the straightforward.
The plane’s landing (straightforward energy) “grounds” the Meta level plan of the Air Traffic Control (Proper Energy). Likewise, The Proper Energy “nurtures” the Straightforward Energy.
Spatial Energies can work together to form a more powerful united sense of activity and this is the basis of teams, companies, and the military and so on

Straightforward “caps” Intimate

Straightforward energy “caps” the intimate. It is a “higher” energy.

Capping can be overbearing.

In the dynamics between straightforward energy and intimacy there’s usually a stark contrast. If essence is often the daydream of “thought without action” then straightforward energy is often the nightmare of “action without thought”.

The straightforward can nurture or develop the essence [constructive]
straightforward energy “caps” the intimate [destructive]

Proper caps Straightforward

The Proper Energy & procedures of the courtroom can overrule or “cap” the more straightforward police action

Social caps Proper

Social energy can “pull strings”

Even the most independent and proper institutions can be capped by the realities of the social life. Social energy can influence finances & permissions to cap proper energy.

Intimate caps Social

Calling the Shots

The Intimate Energy (ethics & creativity) from one individual “capped’ the Social Energy of an Empire.

With a few well-placed words or gestures individual creative energy can turn a social event on its head. Likewise, social plans for example for a building site can be changed or vetoed by an individual, say the architect.